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The Open Educational Resources @PUC-Rio project has the objective of sharing learning materials developed by a team of faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students and technical staff.

Educational resources were the reason to create the Sistema Maxwell whose first mission was to be a digital library of courseware in Electrical Engineering. The first learning resource was developed in the second semester of 1995 inspite the limited ICT – Information and Communication Technology tools available.

From 1995 on, many authors have contributed with their knowledge and their skills to make a reasonable size collection available. The main focus of the development is Engineering, specially Control & Automation and Electrical. Related topics are also a part of the collection.

The collection is under constant growth due to the need to supply courseware both to support traditional face-to-face courses and to provide courseware for students in the blended learning (b-learning) mode courses.

An important characteristic of the collection building is the fact that students (undegraduate and graduate) are active creators and developers of the items. They also suggest topics that they feel necessary.

Use and enjoy our ever growing collection!

All contents on this interface are available through Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

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