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The Maxwell System was first developed to be a digital library to host courseware in Electrical Engineering. As time went by, new types of contents were added on the system – Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs), Specialization Monographs, Senior Projects, journals, technical reports, etc. But courseware has always been developed and made available.

The evolution of ICT has allowed enhancing the variety and the quality of contents. Videos, hypermedia contents, interactive exercises and quizzes, etc. have become common place in the collection. Learning objects have been developed and published, most of them in Open Access.

In order to make it easier for students and users in general, learning objects that had common characteristics or were specific to one subject were grouped in series. Currently, there are 10 series – 8 are for specific subjects and 2 are general.

One example of a specific subject series is Objetos Educacionais em Física that offers animated learning objects in Electricity and Magnetism. It was organized and launched as a series in August 2014 but the objects were developed from February to October 2000.

A second example of a specific subject series is Circuitos em Vídeo that offers all videos that students must watch before attending the classes of Circuitos Elétricos e Eletrônicos I and Circuitos Elétricos e Eletrônicos II. These two courses are taught in the b-learning mode. The series was launched in September 2013.

Two series that host contents in different subjects are Objetos Educacionais em Engenharia Elétrica and Simulações em Engenharia Elétrica. The first started in August 2012 and offers hypermedia objects in Circuits, Control Systems and Signals & Systems. The second began in May 2015 and hosts interactive simulators that allow users to choose functions and/or parameters and perform simulations supported by SciLab ( It addresses the same subjects of the first.

Another set of interactive resources that were organized for easy of use are Livros Interativos de Engenharia Elétrica. Many exercises had been developed but were spread on different parts of the system. In 2008, with the support of a grant from FAPERJ – Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (, they were organized in books.

Besides Circuits, there are other courses in Control & Automation and Electrical Engineering curricula that are taught in the b-learning mode. They are heavy users of the OER collection besides also relying on courseware in restricted access.

Our history is under constant writing since we are permanently developing and publishing new objects.

All contents on this interface are available through Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

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