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Estatísticas |

Instituição:  -
Colaborador(es):  -
Nº do Conteudo: 7543
Catalogação:  28/11/2005 Idioma(s):  PORTUGUESE - BRAZIL
Tipo:  TEXT Subtipo:  PAPER
Nota:  Todos os dados constantes dos documentos são de inteira responsabilidade de seus autores. Os dados utilizados nas descrições dos documentos estão em conformidade com os sistemas da administração da PUC-Rio.
Referência [pt]:  https://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/colecao.php?strSecao=resultado&nrSeq=7543@1
Referência [en]:  https://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/colecao.php?strSecao=resultado&nrSeq=7543@2

Throughout recent decades, changes have been taking place in the education of people with special needs, which, in many countries, have led to objective solutions, which have eased the access to and full-time attendance at school of this group. In Brazil, this question has been dealt with in a scarcely incisive way, by transferring the responsibility for intervention to Special Education. It has been shown that, socially, there is a kind of fear of all that is different. Possibly, for this reason, there is a tendency to seek homogeneous groups and, as a consequence of this fact, the assertion results that working with diversity demands re-thinking the school model we adopt. It should be regarded differently, and should face up to pedagogic positions and theories that cultivate monolithic, linear and conservative ideas on how to educate for diversity and for whom to do so. From this point of view, to regard diversity as a closed collective creates obstacles for the changes intended by inclusion, a paradigm which defines the main tendency of current educational policy in Brazil. The utilization of more plural guidelines would facilitate taking advantage of the wealth of each subjectivity. However, this has not been done, and as a result a major dilemma for the educational system has arisen. This dilemma is expressed by the dichotomy between the two systems (Regular and Special Education), while at the same time forming one of the obstacles to an inclusive society being, in fact, implemented. For this purpose, new forms of support, administration, flexibility, curricular structure, organization and teacher training would all help, as they are vital elements for the definition of the quality of the pedagogical proposal. These difficulties feed the challenge for schools, which is to see to it that all the pupils get qualifications and acquire a cultural and technical-professional education matched to their potential.

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