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Nº do Conteudo: 63563
Catalogação:  07/08/2023 Idioma(s):  PORTUGUESE - BRAZIL
Tipo:  TEXT Subtipo:  THESIS
Nota:  Todos os dados constantes dos documentos são de inteira responsabilidade de seus autores. Os dados utilizados nas descrições dos documentos estão em conformidade com os sistemas da administração da PUC-Rio.
Referência [pt]:  https://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/colecao.php?strSecao=resultado&nrSeq=63563@1
Referência [en]:  https://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/colecao.php?strSecao=resultado&nrSeq=63563@2
Referência DOI:  https://doi.org/10.17771/PUCRio.acad.63563

The general objective of the work was to analyze how to present and how to develop forms of protection and/or lack of protection (international and national) to people and families who experience internal displacement and force due to urban violence and armed conflicts in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. In relation to the specific objectives, the following stand out: a) to know the causes and determinants that motivate internal displacement and force due to urban violence and armed conflicts in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro; b) identify how it presents itself as a symbol of people and groups of people who experience and/or perceive this problem; c) monitor how the elements that are configured as responses (resistance, organization and support) of people and families who experience and/or perceive this problem are implemented; d) qualitatively typify the internally displaced and forced public in Rio de Janeiro based on the particularities of armed conflicts. We opted for discourse analysis, constituting the thesis through varied analytical exercises, from sources of various orders, through: the survey of bibliographic studies; rescuing and supporting a material corpus (songs and articles/reports); and the analysis of the corpus of oral/institutional discourses (semi-structured interviews). A unique methodological model was constituted according to the objectives achieved, the particularity of the object of study and the organization for data collection. The starting point was an intentional and/or preferred approach, with specific groups that were willing to give their opinion, and to undergo theoretical saturation therapy. Internal and forced displacements are immersed in the movement determined by the centralizing nature of the dominant classes, and the particularities of the non-international armed conflict in Rio de Janeiro determine the phenomenon in question (levels of violence, hostilities, logic of war and the militarization of everyday life etc). The situation of internal and forced displacements at the international level is discussed, and human rights protection systems and refugee protection are taken into account as a genesis for the protection of internally displaced persons. After rescuing the construction of international protection for forced internally displaced people, violence is discussed as a constitutive process in the Brazilian scenario, which refers to the theme of dependent capitalism and the generalization of coercive mechanisms. When entering urban violence and armed conflicts in Rio de Janeiro, the (para)militarization and the metaphor of war stand out as conditions that feed back into the representation of the favela as inseparable from violence and in the expanded militarization in the midst of disputes for economic control -territorial, between actors who emerge as groups that foment the phenomenon of internal and forced displacement (militias, factions and the State). The internally displaced public is evidenced as a segment of the relative overpopulation, precarious in terms of life, work and deprivation, categorized from the displacements: a) direct; b) "indirect" by decision; c) indirect by circumstance. The phenomenon appears in situations of high risk to life and insecurity in which "silence" predominates. function of non-compliance with the standards established by armed groups/actors; it is effective amid the constitution of "visible" physical and symbolic borders (in the "factionalization of territories"). On social protection, the defense of human rights in programs for the protection of the The State acquires centrality in view of the target audience followed. Social assistance, through its territorialized equipment, has relevance on the subject in the territories of favelas in view of the influence of the actions of armed groups (as a gateway for the population and as an instrument of answers, as well as picking up the challenges of facilitating the referral and assistance through collective work and networking processes in the midst of physical and verbal violence and the production of rules by armed groups that impact these actions). The issue of housing emerges to be considered when understanding inequality and the maintenance of socio-spatial segregation, the favela as a place that reaps the negative effects of urban violence and armed conflicts, and the PMCMV as the locus of experience of this problem. The issue of data production for the construction of legal frameworks and protection and assistance policies gains relevance with regard to the object of study that is marked by invisibility (cartographic emptiness ), due to the lack of data and the complexity of the phenomenon with regard to the high risk and insecurity and, therefore, there is a need to publicize this theme. The demand for health care for the internally displaced and forced in Rio de Janeiro is an intrinsic need in the face of the high risk of life and insecurity, which negatively affect the physical and mental health of the groups of people who suffer from the armed conflicts, where there is an urgent need to think about spaces and policies aimed at care and assistance.

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