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Nº do Conteudo: 62094
Catalogação:  28/03/2023 Liberação: 28/03/2023 Idioma(s):  ENGLISH - UNITED STATES
Tipo:  TEXT Subtipo:  THESIS
Nota:  Todos os dados constantes dos documentos são de inteira responsabilidade de seus autores. Os dados utilizados nas descrições dos documentos estão em conformidade com os sistemas da administração da PUC-Rio.
Referência [pt]:  https://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/colecao.php?strSecao=resultado&nrSeq=62094@1
Referência [en]:  https://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/colecao.php?strSecao=resultado&nrSeq=62094@2
Referência [fr]:  https://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/colecao.php?strSecao=resultado&nrSeq=62094@3
Referência DOI:  https://doi.org/10.17771/PUCRio.acad.62094

In recent years, the advantages of using ultrasound contrast agents (UCA) with monodisperse size distribution have been highlighted. Characterized by a coefficient of variation (CV) lower than 5 percent, monodisperse microbubbles have the potential to improve the quality of ultrasound images (improving signal-to-noise ratio and reducing shadowing effects. It also facilitates microbubble resonance frequency monitoring, opening possibilities in the areas of molecular imaging and non-invasive pressure measurements. In addition, monodisperse bubbles can optimize the drugs, genes, and therapeutic gas delivery (e.g. sonotrombolysis, sonoporation, blood-brain barrier opening). However, thus far, contrarily to polydisperse bubbles, freeze-drying monodisperse populations of fresh microbubbles, without deteriorating their monodispersity, remains a challenge. Thereby, today, monodisperse bubbles can neither be stored nor transported. This represents a bottleneck for their use in clinical applications. Attempts made to solve the problem have used toxic solvents, raising regulatory issues The objective of the present work was to develop a new freeze-drying technique for monodisperse microbubbles that did not degrade their size distribution, or their acoustic properties, without the use of toxic solvents. As the first step of the project, flow-focusing microfluidic devices were fabricated to produce microbubbles with highly monodisperse size distribution (CV less than 5 percent). During this step, the optimization of the microbubble formulation and cryoprotectant materials was performed. Geometric characterization of two of microbubbles with mean diameters of 40 Micrometers and 5 Micrometers was performed. With the use of a high-speed camera coupled to an optical microscope, images of all stages of the freeze-drying process of the microbubbles were captured and analyzed, aiming to control the size distribution and production rate of the microbubbles. The steps of the freeze-drying process consisted of production, collection, freezing, lyophilization, and resuspension. The development of a new retrieval technique, where the microbubbles were stored in monolayers, resulted in a drastic reduction of the interaction between the bubbles during lyophilization. In this way, it was possible to preserve the monodispersity during the freeze-drying process, resulting in a CV less than 6 percent for the resuspended microbubble population. Environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) assays demonstrated uniformity in the shells of the freeze-dried microbubbles with an estimated wall thickness of 70nm. In the second stage of the project, a characterization of the backscatter acoustic response of the freeze-dried monodisperse PVA-shelled microbubbles, in comparison with freshly produced microbubbles, and commercially available polydisperse microbubbles SonovueTM was conducted. Firstly, the backscatter acoustic response of the microbubbles was evaluated in two different setups: the centimetric cell (large container - 45mmx10mmx30mm), and the milli-channel (confined system in which the liquid is at rest - 10 mmx35 mmx1 mm). Using a focused acoustic transducer with a frequency of 2.25MHz, the acoustic responses of the microbubbles, in the form of the fundamental resonance frequency and amplitude, before and after the freeze-drying process was compared for the bubble population of 5 Micrometers diameter. It was found that the variation of amplitude and fundamental resonance frequency of the bubbles were within the experimental uncertainty range, suggesting that their acoustic properties were preserved. We also observed, in agreement with the literature, that there is a linear dependence between the concentration of the microbubble population (without freeze-drying) and the amplitude of the backscatter coefficient. Subsequently, a comparison of the acoustic backscatter response was performed for monodisperse and polydisperse bubbles. Also, in agreement with the literature, we observed an amplitude in the response signal of the monodispersed bubbles of 8 to 10 times higher than that for the polydispersed ones, for the same in vitro concentration. It was also possible to observe the lower uncertainty in monitoring the fundamental resonance peak of the bubbles and a smaller bandwidth for the monodispersed bubble population. Finally, using the universal ultrasound matrix imaging approach, developed at Institut Langevin, the backscatter acoustic response of the freeze-dried monodisperse and polydisperse population was evaluated in a phantom mimicking tissue. The preliminary results reinforce the findings from the backscatter acoustic measurements in the centimetric cell and the milli-channel, in which the monodisperse population presented a significantly reduced bandwidth in comparison with the wide bandwidth of the polydisperse population. The present work successfully presented a new technique developed to freezedry monodisperse microbubbles without degrading their geometrical and acoustic properties. Thus, we proposed a new generation of ultrasound contrast agents in the form of a stable freeze-dried powder that can be transported and stored for months and resuspended for use in clinical applications.

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