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Coleção Digital


Estatísticas |

Instituição:  -
Colaborador(es):  -
Nº do Conteudo: 50673
Catalogação:  08/12/2020 Liberação: 21/12/2020 Idioma(s):  PORTUGUESE - BRAZIL
Tipo:  TEXT Subtipo:  PAPER
Nota:  Todos os dados constantes dos documentos são de inteira responsabilidade de seus autores. Os dados utilizados nas descrições dos documentos estão em conformidade com os sistemas da administração da PUC-Rio.
Referência [pt]:  https://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/colecao.php?strSecao=resultado&nrSeq=50673@1
Referência [en]:  https://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/colecao.php?strSecao=resultado&nrSeq=50673@2
Referência DOI:  https://doi.org/10.17771/PUCRio.ATeo.50673

The objective of this article is to analyze the epistemology of liberation theology, considering its fundamental concepts and its debate, especially with the ecclesiastical magisterium. This objective is justifi ed by the fact that liberation theology originates in the world’s theology of the Second Vatican Council, accentuates the immanence of the transcendence of revelation, articulating the Christian faith with the historical locus of the poor, uses mediations philosophy as a partner and promotes a denotative orthopraxia of the relationship between theological theory and liberating historical praxis. By its own epistemological constitution, in which faith and history, immanence and transcendence, liberating theory and praxis are articulated, liberation theology is the subject of an epistemological debate between theologians themselves and their theologians with the magisterium ecclesiastical, bringing up some fundamental questions: the use of the mediations of philosophy and sciences, the choice for the poor and the supernatural question in the liberating theological complex itself. To achieve this goal, a defi nition of liberation theology and debate with the ecclesiastical magisterium will be presented, highlighting the three points mentioned above.

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