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Estatísticas |

Instituição:  -
Colaborador(es):  -
Nº do Conteudo: 29100
Catalogação:  09/02/2017 Liberação: 09/02/2017 Idioma(s):  PORTUGUESE - BRAZIL
Tipo:  TEXT Subtipo:  PAPER
Nota:  Todos os dados constantes dos documentos são de inteira responsabilidade de seus autores. Os dados utilizados nas descrições dos documentos estão em conformidade com os sistemas da administração da PUC-Rio.
Referência [pt]:  https://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/colecao.php?strSecao=resultado&nrSeq=29100@1
Referência [en]:  https://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/colecao.php?strSecao=resultado&nrSeq=29100@2
Referência DOI:  https://doi.org/10.17771/PUCRio.ATeo.29100

Today, Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants accept all the same canon of the New Testament (NT) and in the order they are 27 of the Corpus Biblicum NT books; but it was not always like that and not even the order we have today is the same in all the ancient Catalogs, we have at our disposal. Therefore, in order to help us understand this issue, we want to offer an essay about this NT set of letters, entitled Letters Pauline, that since antiquity has always found acceptance is in the NT Corpus is at your own Corpus, internally speaking, also being the NT Letters group most studied and commented, given the vast literature available to us, whether in the Catholic fi eld, as in the Orthodox and Protestant, who always accepted the canonicity of the Pauline Letters. The only dissonant text was the Letter to the Hebrews, which from the Patristic period always found acceptance problems that were of Pauline authorship. Also, what modern scholars have raised is the question that Paul not has written or directly all the texts attributed to him. Apart from that, according to most scholars, among the current Pauline letters, in fact, we have seven letters that are authentically Pauline, three considered Deuteropaulines and three calls Pastoral. Finally, our intention is that of providing a collaboration about the structure of Canon Paulinum within Canon Testamenti Novi, in the structure is the same as the distribution order and sequence of occurrence within the NT Canon; so also we offer some illustrative graphics about their arrangement, believing that this can facilitate the visualization and assimilation of content.

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